DIY Popsicle Stick Tools at Olin

2016 JUN 22
Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016, 04:00pm - Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016, 06:00pm
Milas Hall main lobby

To participate in the National Week of Making, Olin College’s EASE Lab is inviting people (particularly 6 – 10 year-olds) to make tools out of popsicle sticks!


  • Explore uses of various hand-tools, then make your own popsicle versions to take home.
  • Find out how tools you make can modify objects on a computer screen (using Scratch).
  • Get exposure to computer-controlled cutting machines.

Make this activity better. This event on Olin's campus is a pilot - the first experiment to test ideas for develop a series of workshops that we will host near ice cream trucks in the Boston area in July. Your feedback is appreciated.

Help us prepare for you by telling us you are coming (optional) using this quick form.

Even if you can't join us, you can try the activities by following the how-to documents here: (draft) how-tos.

(guests will also have a chance to interact with an early prototype of a new interactive system we're developing called JumpSmart